Dr. Cohen Attends the LEAD Council 2013 Advisory Board
Dr. Michael Cohen is honored to serve, for the 7th consecutive year, on the Advisory Board for Mentor Worldwide’s LEAD Council. Mentor Worldwide is a global manufacturer of surgical aesthetic products, including saline, silicone and ultra-cohesive breast implants.
LEAD 2013
The LEAD Council 2013 Advisory Board, which stands for Leadership, Experience and Development in Breast Augmentation, is made up of an exclusive group of the nation’s most elite plastic surgeons, the purpose of which is to provide a forum for them to explore new products, programs and innovations surrounding the specialty of breast augmentation to better meet the need of you the consumer.
Membership is limited to only a select group of the most renowned plastic surgeons, who come together to exchange experiences and advancements in breast development technology and share their own pioneering progress in this unique field.
Because membership is exclusive to only the top plastic surgeons, the LEAD Council offers a trustworthy resource for patients seeking a quality plastic surgeon across the United States.
For more about the LEAD Council, visit the website.