Tummy Tuck Options

June 17, 2011 1:26 am

Tummy tucks are a great solution for people who, after significant weight loss, pregnancy or natural aging, experience excess skin in the mid and lower abdomen, a protruding abdomen, and/or weakened muscles of the abdominal wall. Here are some types of abdominoplasty:


To restore a flat abdomen, one incision is made in the pubic area typically a few inches. Through the incision, your surgeon will remove excess skin, tighten slack muscles, and perhaps use liposuction to further refine the area. The ideal candidate for a mini tummy tuck has most of his or her issues below the belly button, and it is usually recommended for patients who have always been in pretty good shape but have plateaued with diet and exercise.


A modified tummy tuck allows the patient to keep their natural belly button while removing more skin than the mini tummy tuck. This tummy tuck allows for removal of excess skin, tightening the muscle wall, and liposuction may be used to contour.


In addition to the incision across the lower abdomen, a traditional tummy tuck also utilizes an incision around the belly button. During this procedure, excess skin is removed, muscles are tightened, and liposuction may be used to contour. This is a more extensive operation that essentially removes the skin from above the belly button down to the public area that’s been compromised by pregnancies, genetic laxity, or obesity.


A regular tummy tuck doesn’t address anything past the scar. For this reason, if you have excess skin in the love handle or hip area, the scar needs to be made longer. This variation is great for addressing areas when liposuction is not enough. An extended tummy tuck may also be combined with a body lift.

An abdominoplasty takes approximately two to five hours depending on whether it is a mini or full abdominoplasty. This surgery is done on an outpatient basis with general anesthesia. Because safety is always our first concern, we always work with board-certified anesthesiologists to ensure that your surgery is as safe as possible. Following your surgery, you will be able to rest in the comfort of your own home.

The board-certified surgeons at Belcara Health perform today’s most sophisticated cosmetic procedures to create extraordinary results for very happy patients. Our team of surgeons, all with top-tier credentials, gets to know each and every patient – a fundamental element of the practice’s philosophy towards patient care.

For more details about tummy tucks at Belcara Health, please click here.

Call for your complimentary consultation today! 410.343.7317

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