Tummy Tucks: When Dieting Isn’t Enough

June 17, 2011 1:29 am

With more and more Americans losing ever larger amounts of weight, abdominoplasty has become an essential end to many diets.

That’s because, despite the strictest diet and exercise programs, many people aren’t able to firm the skin around the abdomen. Others have loose abdominal skin following a heavy weight loss or pregnancy. That’s when abdominoplasty can be used to slim and firm the tummy.

This procedure, also known as a “tummy tuck”, removes excess skin that has lost its elasticity. It may also help reduce fat, tighten abdominal muscles and improve the appearance of stretch marks. This provides a more contoured stomach and well-defined waistline.

During a tummy tuck, an incision is made just above the pubic area.  This incision stretches horizontally across the lower abdomen and sometimes around to the back.  The skin is then gently pulled away from the muscle, and excess skin is removed.  Then the incision is closed and skin is stitched back into place.  Sometimes an additional incision around the navel is required for best results.

The procedure lasts between one and five hours, depending upon the degree of improvement desired.As with other types of surgery, patients need a few weeks to recuperate, with most returning to their normal activities within two weeks.

Unless there is a significant weight gain or the patient becomes pregnant, the results of a tummy tuck should last for many years. Complications are generally few.

The board-certified surgeons at Belcara Health perform today’s most sophisticated cosmetic procedures to create extraordinary results for very happy patients. This team of surgeons, all with top-tier credentials, get to know each and every patient – a fundamental element of the practice’s philosophy towards patient care. Along with a highly qualified and compassionate staff, our doctors help patients achieve their goals with the highest level of skill available in the Baltimore area.